Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Monster Wall

Oakland harbors some really sick artists these days. You may have heard of these guys . . . Ernest Doty / Sean Griffin / Skinner - all talented artists on their own. (check out their websites and get familiar with their work)  Put the three of them together and madness ensues. As evidence we present the Monster Wall in West Oakland. They murked this wall ! It's a fitting analogy since they used 187 cans !
P.S. you can catch some of their works on canvas at the upcoming ELEFUNK show at Loakal this Friday. Also, another wall murkage to come in Jack London.

the full wall of monsters - enjoy your nightmares.

that damn Travelocity gnome !!!

Enjoy a few bonus flicks. Can't leave you with a short posting...
Ernest Doty - part of a collaboration with Max Ehrman aka EON 75 and Griffin One

Skinner - I want to reside inside this guy's nightmares...



  1. nice pics and coverage! :)

    By the way, the blue mural, the collaboration with Ernest Doty & EON 75 (aka Max Ehrman) is also a collab with Griffin One. Just thought it might be worth fixing the caption.
