Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Not so Freespace

Another one of those altruistic endeavors where any artist can paint, except that is for you... submit a portfolio of your work to help make their efforts look good and maybe you'll get a wall in the future. They already have their choice artists selected. (just look around SF, you'll notice the same names on all the new walls). We have nothing nice to say about the politics involved in "wallspace" around San Francisco, so we'll just leave you with some dope flicks from "artspace". Good luck enjoying these walls in person - the lot is often locked on weekends, and if it is open it's full of cars. Placing public art in a space that the public can not enjoy it is quite asinine if you ask us. Excuse the shitty photos, but there were cars and surly gardeners present when we visited.
Griffin One CBS
Ernest Doty CBS
Eon 75

Robert Harris


Gats PTV

Gats PTV

Darren Villegas

Darren Villegas



Plantrees POP DE


  1. This is the part about hunting down art on the streets that I hate. I can't begin to tell you about the enclosures that keep the hunters like me out. I understand the lure of wanting to paint in these obscure places as well as the problems faced by wanting to paint legitimately within the cities rules and regs but I can't help but feel deprived of my right to enjoy access to something that makes me happy. I say NO MORE BARRIERS....FREE ART SPACE FOR ALL.

  2. Take that feeling of depravation, multiply it by say... at least 50x. Imagine what the artist went through to get to that space to KEEP IT AWAY FROM PEOPLE WHO WANT TO BUFF/DESTROY IT. Now imagine yourself climbing to the top of the mountain almost collapsing of fatigue, and that great feeling of reaching the top. You should have that same feeling about FINDING and exploring great spots like this. Because coming from a writer... you will NEVER see the best walls, because they are the MOST DANGEROUS to get to... and no city buffer would ever try to go to them.

  3. you're both correct about this, but here is the major issue... this ARTSPACE is supposed to be for the people. it is not an illegal spot. it's completely LEGAL and therefore should be open to the public, but it is routinely gated. Art on the streets is for the people !!! art in dangerous places is for the writer / artist who did it.

  4. Hello, I have a lot of pictures that I have taken over the last few months that I wanted to put together as a collection on my website, if you give me credit, I'd be down to donate them to you to post, if you would like. They are all Oakland, Berkeley and SF shots. Hit me up if you are interested. ~NoxieRoxie //
